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Collaboration Signing ceremony with JL

-Oct, 2019

Eboss has been a technology solution provider for past 13 years, which emphasized on building software solution to empower business operations.

6 years ago, we had the chance to provide solutions for property management industry, providing billing automation system, full accounting system, generate financial reports, helping the property management companies to solve their day to day operation needs. Although we have built solutions which we believed to have helped the industry, we don't think we have done enough. Last year, we started to build platform to connect residents and management companies. Bringing everyone into same platform so that both sides can interact and communicate in more efficient way, including bill payment online, raise service tickets, booking facilities, visitor management, and many more.

Early this year, we met JL. JL is one of the top property management companies in Klang Valley, serving the industry for past 30 years. While we exchanged ideas about our direction and vision towards this industry, we feel we can build more together. Therefore we collaborate to build the future.

In this collaboration, eBoss and JL together to continue design, refine, and provide services with most efficient way by implementing Industry 4.0 concept for the industry. The collaboration between us will mark another milestone. We signify the next era for this industry, bringing the standard and service into next level. By making good use of technologies, we believe that we will be able to set a new standard and continue to lead the market

- Angela Kew, Eboss founder / CEO

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